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Compute GNSS observations online (relative positioning) using the double phase differences model (DDs). The coordinates of the reference stations are extracted from the ARA EPN D Densification solution and are, therefore, fully IGS (observation epoch) and ETRF2000 (epoch 2010.0) consistent.
Use standard RINEX/CRX names (8.3/10.3 for RNX v2.x or LONG for RNX v3.x). IGS-style compression (.Z or .gz) is also allowed.

Processing options:

DGPS (uses code measurements instead of phase).
Relative static (uses phase measurements in static positioning) [Default option]
Relative kinematic (uses phase measurements in kinematic positioning).
Process in Forward/Backwards mode (only for relative static).

Ultra-rapid processing: ONLY for very short time span and baselines (<25 min; < 5 km). Very basic models used (only GPS). Overrides any other option.

Using ocean loading data, is advised. Get the coefficients at copy and paste below the data computed at OSO by H.-G. Scherneck. Be sure to use the same marker name!

If no ocean loading coefficients are provided, the same ones as the ones available for the reference station will be used (FES2004).

Reference sites to compute the relative solution:

Densification site EPN A class site