In this website you will be able to compute your GNSS data online. The processing core is
Two different approaches are available:
Use standard RINEX/CRX names (8.3/10.3 for RNX v2.x or LONG for RNX v3.x). IGS-style compression (.Z or .gz) is also allowed.
Main processing options:
- Sampling rate: 30 s (all observations in PPP).
- Elevation mask: 5 deg.
- Ephemeris, clocks: CODE precise ephemeris used (rapid if finals are not availaible).
- GNSS systems: GPS, Glonass and Galileo.
- Ocean loading:
- DDs: FES2004 coefficients of the reference station used by default for the roves. User coefficients, if provided, will be used.
- PPP: FES2004 coefficients avalable for all the reference sites. User can use own values for any site.
- Receiver/antenna model, eccentricities,...: extracted from the RINEX header.
- Ionosphere: iono-free code/phase combination used.
- Troposphere: GMF and ZTD+horizontal gradients estimated.
- Reference frame/antenna PCV model:
- IGb08+IGb08.ATX: for observations before GPSW 1934 (2017-01-29). No IGb08-IGS14 corrections applied to the positions due to the IGb08.ATX-IGS14.ATX antenna values change.
- IGS14+IGS14.ATX: for observations after GPSW 1934 (2017-01-29).
- ETRF2000 (epoch 2010.0): for DDs, using the ATX file valid for the observation epoch.
Some general
recommendations for the time span of the observations:
- GNSS receivers (benchmarks) should be located in places with clean horizon and no obstructions. Take special care to avoid nearby signal reflecting surfaces (might cause multipath).
- Some remarks:
- PPP: use daily observations to get cm-level accuracies.
- DDs: try to span the sessions as much as possible, regardless the convergence time. In normal conditions,
- After about 1 hour: 3D positions converge within 2 cm respect the daily solution. However, at least 2 hours of data should be used.
- If the distance to the reference station is >100 km, try to get a PPP solution instead.
- If the height difference to the reference station is >300 m, try to get a PPP solution instead. Biases in the Up component could occur due to the large ZTD variations between the reference and the rover station.
Achievable accuracies examples: (solutions compared with Bernese outputs, on a summer day to have large ZTD values):